Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a worldwide activism movement that originated in the United States and combats violence against black people due to systemic racism. The main function of the group is to affirm and instate the fundamental rights of marginalized black people to function as full citizens of the contemporary world without fear of lethal oppression. Though the movement is far too complex to capture all of its democratic aspects, the foundational belief that those kept in subjugation through privileged powers, convoluted laws, disenfranchisement, and violence will never be participants in a functioning democracy is key to the reading of BLM as a democratic work. In addition, the marketing of the movement contributes a distinctly visual element that is successful as democratic artwork within the realm of propaganda. The ubiquity of the BLM logo as well as its stark minimalism allows for it to speak to a wide audience and proliferate through shared recognition.

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