Edible Estates by Fritz Haeg

Attacking, destroying, and re-vamping people’s common conception of the front yards is what Fritz Haeg does through his Edible Estates project. Haeg uses the front yard as a space to show the potential of local food growth. Additionally, the project counters a capitalist-run society, by putting the power and process of producing food back into the hand of the individual.  The work challenges spaces that have become normalized to function in a particular fashion and reclaims these spaces for more productive means. These spaces also become places for people to come together and share in the local benefits of food production. Edible Estates turns the front yard from a space of stagnation to a space of joy and pleasure. Not only is the yard of the residents being transformed for their personal benefit, but it forces any viewer or community member who walks by to think about their own spaces and how their spaces can be reclaimed as well.

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