Graciela Carnevale, Acción del Encierro (Confinement Action)

Argentina experienced a period of massive political upheaval and unrest in 1968 during which the democratically elected president Arturo Illia was overthrown through a coup d’etat by military general Juan Carlos Onganía. As a result, there were ruthlessly suppressed protests and demonstrations throughout the country. Graciela Carnevale’s Accion del Encierro was one of many works produced in response to this period of political violence and censorship. The artist invited viewers into a gallery space and secretly exited, locking the door behind her. In doing so, Carnevale mimicked the political repression felt by the people of Argentina by trapping them inside of a situation without their consent. The artist created a participatory environment in which the viewers were forced to put everything aside and work together to come to a solution to escape, and manufactured a situation that placed power into the hands of people who felt powerless under the political circumstances.

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