Gran Fury, various posters

Gran Fury was an artist collective that came together during the late 1980’s in the face of government apathy towards the growing HIV/AIDS crisis. They leaned heavily upon the use of visual and pop culture to employ tactics of intervention to disrupt ‘normal’ life and spread awareness about HIV/AIDS. The group repurposed easily recognizable images, logos, slogans, and political figures to create mass-media and posters that were dispersed throughout the city of New York and freely accessible to all. The ubiquity of these posters and the goal of educating the public to enact change reflected the notion of HIV/AIDS itself as a non-discriminating disease, yet the perception and reaction to it as wholly othering. The posters created by Gran Fury showed a guerrilla response from the people failed by those in power, and revealed a systemic issue through collective effort by the oppressed.

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