“Mejor Vida Corp.,” Minerva Cuevas, 1998-

Capitalism doesn’t work. It is a zero-sum game leaving most of the world losing. However totalizing its presence in contemporary global political economy- it isn’t the only option. The large-scale critique often overlooks the daily lived experience of capitalism negatively economizing basic needs. What if we acquired food for free? Rode the train without charge? Mejor Vida Corp. intervenes in these specific moments. Ran by Cuevas, this Mexico City “business” produces fake student ID cards providing complimentary access to museums, free subway tickers, stickers with barcodes that reduce the price of supermarket goods, pre-stamped envelopes, and lottery tickets.  All of these products are free. MVC uses the structure of a corporation founded on gift economy to take every opportunity to undermine small scale capitalist hegemony in daily Mexican life.

Mejor Vida Corp. “Fake” ID

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