Palas por Pistolas by Pedro Reyes

One town represents the ability to turn guns into shovels for planting trees through Pedro Reyes’ Palas por Pistolas democratic artwork. In the city of Culiacan, Mexico, a city with a high rate of deaths by gunshot, Pedro Reyes invited residents to give up their guns in order to turn them into shovels for the planting of trees. By giving residents the ability to give up their guns for a better purpose, Reyes caused all residents, whether they chose to give up their guns, to think about the purpose and importance of owning guns. Through the destruction of over 1527 weapons, Reyes created an alternate fiction where owning guns didn’t need to be the norm. The guns retrieved were publicly steamrolled and melted down to created 1527 shovels which were distributed internationally as a representation of this act to denounce owning of firearms and the utopian envisionment where weapons of mass destruction were recreated to create life.

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