Public Fruit Jams

Since 2006, the art collaboration Fallen Fruit has organized gatherings in cities around the world where local residents are encouraged to bring homegrown or surplus fruit and, without recipes, cook up original jams with strangers around a portable stove. There is a rough framework for the Jams but the real art is the conversations and collaborating that happens at each gathering. Fallen Fruit notes that each of these events, called Public Fruit Jams, are unpredictable to an extent; depending on the location of the Jam, the flavors and conversations brought to the table change. Attendees leave the Public Fruit Jams having had to collaborate with each other in a way that does not usually happen in cities. Fallen Fruit creates edible works of art that spark conversations about the accessibility of art, fruit, and the necessity of collaboration in urban spaces – as well as nourishes souls and stomachs.

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