“Reverie” & the Grotesque, Arca, 2017

“Reverie” is only one of many examples where, Venezuelan electronic composer and performance artist, Arca honors the grotesque in each of us. Scary, violent, dark and twisted gender, sexuality, race, religion shouldn’t need to become more “family-friendly” or “politically-acceptable” to political inclusion. In all the necessary conversations about marginalized representation, a perfect democracy, and a reevaluation our values, change does actually happen until that other becomes an easily packaged rationale, taken up by society and normalized. Until the majority is convinced of its beauty will the accept it. Even then, it becomes institutionalized to the point where edge that made it radical in the first place dulls, day by day.  Arca’s work challenges viewers to critical examine deeper the assumptions and fears they hold about themselves and each other. Why can’t we embrace the uncomfortable without explaining it away?

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