Tatlin’s Whisper #5 – Tania Bruguera

The presence of the police is greatly heightened and brought into hyper-focus within Tania Bruguera’s Tatlin’s Whisper #5 in order to bring awareness to the complex relationship that exists between the public and the police.  Installed at the Tate Modern in Britain, this work incorporates two policemen in uniform mounted on horses which are introduced to the gallery space and then proceed to control the participant presence in the space. Actions such as closing off the gallery entrance/exit, corraling the participants into one group, separating them into two separated groups, etc. take place within the gallery space. Through the introduction of the policemen, Bruguera creates a hyper-realistic state of police control. Through Bruguera’s exposure of the police’s often assumed presence, participants are made aware of the intervention of the police on their ability to act and make choices such as leave the gallery space or be with a certain group of people.

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